
These 10 Plants Are Effective Filters of Toxic Air in Home and Office

Best air-purifying plants.

Studies have shown that there are many plants that clean the air around us, enabling us to better detoxify our homes and workplaces, which is why we should all have a few plants around the home. When your home is packed with houseplants, they will help to rid the air of dust, germs, and airborne toxins that could irritate allergies, worsen asthma, and generally make you feel uncomfortable.

Sound good? Here are some of the best air purifying plants you might want to add to your interior decor right now.

English Ivy

A perennial vine that grows with ease, English Ivy is extremely good at reducing the number of fecal particles in the air, which means it would be ideally placed in a bathroom or toilet, especially since it can help to fight against mold in the home too.

Care tip: English ivy should be abundantly watered and enabled to have at least four hours of direct sunlight every day.

Barberton Daisy

Barberton daily plants are ideal for anyone who wants to add some color to their home. Their yellow, orange, and pink hues are extremely attractive, to say the least, and the plants themselves are great at detoxifying the home from formaldehyde, benzene, and trichloroethylene – chemicals that are commonly found in household paints and certain commonly used fabrics.

Care tip: Soil should be well-drained, and moist at all times. Will do best in a room that benefits from a lot of natural light all year round.

Mother-in-Law’s Tongue

Mother-in-Law’s Tounge or snake plant, as it is also commonly known, is one of the easiest houseplants to look after. Named after its striking, tongue-like succulent shape, this plant is known to release oxygen overnight, which will help you to breathe easy when you’re in bed. It is also very effective at filtering a range of toxins including benzene, xylene, trichloroethylene, and toluene.

Care tip: Should not be overwatered due to the risk of roots rotting in overly saturated soil.

Scarlet Star Bromeliad

The Scarlet Star Bromeliad is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful houseplants commonly available to purchase. It is also one of the hardiest and most long-lasting when properly taken care of. As if that wasn’t enough, it is also one of the best air purifying plants too.

Care tip: Prefers a humid environment. Should be regularly watered so that soil is moist, but NOT soggy, Keep out of direct sunlight, but do keep in bright light if possible.

Bamboo Palm

Bamboo Palm is the ideal houseplant for those of you who live in less sunny homes. A low light-loving plant, it is simple and sophisticated, while also being one of the best plants that clean formaldehyde that is present in the air.

Care tip: Bamboo Palm should be watered regularly during the growing season, however, the soil should be left to dry out somewhat between waterings to avoid rot setting in.

Peace Lily

Peace Lilies have long been an interior decor favorite due to their immense beauty, but did you know that they are also known for their air filtering qualities? Just make sure you don’t add them to your collection of houseplants if you own a cat or dog as they are, unfortunately, poisonous to our furry friends.

Care tip: Peace Lilies are very delicate, so you need to treat them with kid gloves. Although they can survive short amounts of time with dry soil, they will very quickly start to turn brown and die if they are left for too long. So, be sure to keep the soil moist and place them somewhere that they can be guaranteed lots of indirect sunlight.

Rubber Plants

Rubber plants are great for those of you who are not exactly green-fingered due to their high levels of hardiness. They are also pretty fabulous to have around the home thanks to their unique appearance. As if that wasn’t enough, they are also a natural humidifier and have even been recommended by NASA as one of the top air-purifying plants on the planet. 

Care tip: Keep in a bright spot and water when the soil starts to dry out. If you have dogs and cats, this is another one to avoid due to potential toxicity issues.

Pineapple Plant

Pineapple Plants are a real statement piece due to the fact they each have an individual pineapple at the top of the plant. They are also perfect for getting rid of toxins in the air. If you want your home to look a little bit different, and be a lot more breathable, you need more Pineapple Plants in your life.

Care tip: Pineapple Plants prefer a warm, bright home, so they are perfect for windowsills and conservatories. They don’t need to be watered too often, so it is best to wait until their soil has completely dried out before you add any more water to the pot.

Chinese Evergreen

Chinese Evergreen is a tropical plant that can adequately remove benzene and formaldehyde from the air in your home. It is also an extremely elegant and unassuming houseplant.

Care tip: This plant prefers low lighting conditions, and will survive better in a humid climate, which makes it ideal for the bathroom. However, you can simply mist it each day if you would like to keep it elsewhere in the home.

Weeping Fig

Weeping Fig trees have been a houseplant staple since the Victorian era, and are often favored by beginner bonsai keepers today. They are also plants that clean really well, especially when it comes to toluene, xylene, and formaldehyde.

Care tip: Weeping Figs really do not like change, so find a bright place where they can have plenty of indirect sunlight, and where they are unlikely to catch a breeze and leave them be.

Adding any of these plants to your home will make for a healthier environment where you can breathe more easily and worry less about airborne toxins that are such a common part of modern life.