What if we told you that there is a technique that is so pleasurable, it can give your man a heart attack? Yes, that’s right. We are well aware that some bed affairs are getting a bit boring. That may be why you are searching for new techniques on the Internet right now, and you may feel like all of them are just as boring or downright dangerous. If you’re already here — by chance or by intention — you are in the right place. The grapefruit blowjob is a wild, inventive sex technique that can give you and your partner a pleasurable time.
What Is the Grapefruit Technique?
Maybe you’re one of those people who heard of this technique from a popular 2014 YouTube video by sexpert Auntie Angel, where she shared and demonstrated the steps of what she called “the grapefruit” through the help of a grapefruit and a dildo.
If you haven’t watched it yet, what you really need to know is that the video got so much traction mainly because of the Slurpee-like sound that Auntie Angel made as she sucked the dildo (yes, she did that). It turns out that many people also really wanted to try if this technique works; what the grapefruit technique brings to the bed is the experience of getting sucked and having sex all at the same time.
How To Grapefruit Your Man?
Aside from having the fruit ready (we’ll explain how in a few seconds), you also have to prepare for the messiness of this technique. You will need to find a towel to cover your bedsheets if this is where you want the magic to happen, and you need to make sure that your man does not have any razor cuts on their penis. This is because the grapefruit is a citrus fruit, and the acid might hurt them in the process.

1. Grab a Grapefruit
According to Auntie Angel, Ruby Red is the best grapefruit to have for this occasion. It is the sweetest variety, which is something you’ll definitely want it to be, considering you will be tasting the grapefruit the entire time you’re pleasing your partner. If you can’t find a grapefruit, though, you can use a navel orange as a substitute.
2. Make Sure that the Fruit Is at Room Temperature
You don’t want the grapefruit to feel cold! To make it to room temperature, simply leave it out of the fridge or soak it in warm water. Do not microwave it, though.
3. Roll It Against a Hard Surface
Rolling the grapefruit against a hard surface helps to loosen the fruit and make it juicier, and it feels more like a vagina.
The next thing to do is to slice the navels off. The slices should be thin, and the fruit should be in the shape of a thick wheel after slicing the navels.
5. Cut a Hole in the Middle of the Grapefruit
The last step to prepare the grapefruit is to cut a hole at its center. Take note that the hole of the grapefruit should fit your man’s penis. If you have cut the hole a little bit bigger, you can just squeeze the fruit later on. If you cut the hole a little bit smaller, you can just allow your man’s penis to do the work or cut the hole a little bit more.
6. (Optional) Blindfold Your Man
More than anything else, the grapefruit technique is a freaky surprise for your man. To keep the suspense going, you could do all the above steps without him seeing it. As you lead him to the bedroom, make sure to blindfold him, so he does not see what you are doing. The surprise is part of the experience, Auntie Angel says.
7. Give Your Man a Normal Blowjob
Now, don’t go too excited and place the grapefruit around him right away. You first need to get him erect with a normal blowjob first. Once your man is hard, proceed to the final step of this technique.
8. Place the Grapefruit Around His Penis
After making him erect, place the grapefruit around his penis. You can squeeze and twist the fruit at your discretion.
That is the legendary grapefruit technique.
How It Actually Feels?
Now, how should this technique feel? Like we said before, this technique should give the sensation of having sex and a blowjob at the same time.
If you search the Internet enough, you will find the wackiest testimonials for this technique. From forum discussions, magazines, and blog articles, you will find all these wild tales about experiences with the grapefruit technique.
The experience will vary from person to person but what you need to know is that:
1. The Blowjob is Messy
You will have grapefruit juice all over your room. That is the reason why we recommend that you use a towel — or a lot of towels, for that matter. It is also good to do it in your bathtub. That way, you don’t have to think about washing your clothes or bed sheets after you’re done doing the deed.
2. The Taste of the Grapefruit Adds to the Experience
Whether you like it or not, part of the experience is the grapefruit’s taste. If you prefer having the taste a lot sweeter, then don’t forget what we told you in the first part of this post; buy yourself a Ruby Red grapefruit.
It Is Definitely Weird
Of course, it is going to feel that way. What else would you feel if you had a fruit helping you with matters on sex, right? Don’t worry — as long as both of you enjoy being wild, there is nothing wrong with being weird sometimes.
Should You Try the Grapefruit Technique?
There is a mix of reactions to the technique after trying it, but it is definitely something that you want to try out. If you are someone that wants to add some spice to your sex life, or just want to try something new, then giving your man a grapefruit blowjob is definitely something that you want to do!
Whether it’s a great experience or not will really depend on you, but it will never hurt to try new things once in a while — especially with sex.
What’s our final verdict?