Proper Ways to Look After Your Dog While Self-Isolating

Here’re 7 Ways to Look After Your Dog While Self-Isolating Just in Case You Need

If you get 'pinged,' here's how to care for your dog.

Everyone dreads that moment they are ‘pinged’ as it means you have to stop all outdoor activity and self isolate for the recommended amount of time. Pinged means getting a call from the NHS Track & Trace asking you to self-isolate because you’ve been in contact with a Covid-positive patient. When this happens to dog owners, they have to worry about their health and the comfort of their dogs when they can’t offer them the much-needed outdoor time.

Covid transmission from a human to a pet is rare. However, your primary concern should mostly be your pet’s fur which can harbor the virus. Because exercise and all forms of physical activity are essential to your dog, here are ways to ensure your pet is well taken care of even when you’re isolated.

Have Someone Walk the Dog

A friend or a family member can walk the dog, but it’s essential to observe all safety measures. Let the person use their leash and keep physical distance at all times. They can also wipe the dog’s fur with a wet wipe or avoid touching it.

Photo by La Miko

Spend Quality Time On the Yard

If you have enough outdoor space, your dog will love some outdoor games, exercise, and freedom. Get out those balls, throw them around and offer them some delicious treats. 

If you don’t have a yard, consider buying a lot more toys for your dog. They won’t play outside as much as they usually do, but the indoor toy basket can offer your dog all the fun and activity to stay happy and healthy.

Teach Your Dog New Tricks

Have you always wished you have enough time to teach your dog a few new tricks? This is the perfect time to do it. You’ll have something to occupy your days and, at the same time, learn valuable lessons. However, don’t overwhelm the dog with a lot of new activities. Just spend a few minutes each day working with your dog, and they’ll learn new things.

Understand When Your Dog is Distressed

Your dog, just like you, can feel the pressure of a new routine. Barking, whining, constant pacing, destructive behavior, and disinterest in activities they love indicate that the dog is in distress. Get to know the cause of the behavior as you teach the pet how to relax. Strangers, being around unfamiliar dogs, or inactivity can lead to boredom and distress. When the dog is barking uncontrollably, learn how to stimulate its mind. 

When introducing the dog to new people, do it gradually to avoid distress and constant barking. Note that separation can also lead to anxiety and out-of-control behavior. 

Feed Your Dog Healthy Treats

Just because you can’t get outside doesn’t mean you can’t treat your pet. Add a little more variety into the pet’s diet with new treats, healthy chews, and healthy bones.

Just know that any added sugar can lead to weight gain, so feed sparingly. Because you’ll not be able to leave your house for at least two weeks, have enough food and treats. You can even order online and have them delivered to your home while in isolation.

Don’t Neglect Your Dog’s Health

Although you can’t leave your house, call your vet when you suspect your dog is ill or you have questions. Most vets offer virtual services, including shipping the medication to your address. When a visit to the vet is the only option, call someone to do it for you. 

When it needs repeat medications, you can arrange with the vet to post it to your address or someone to collect it for you. The most important thing is to ensure the pet gets all the attention necessary. 

Learn How to Deal with Separation Anxiety

Separation anxiety can make your pet depressed and cause distress. To get rid of it, you’ll have to find ways to make the time away from each other more comfortable for your pet. Start by spending more time apart even when you’re in the house. Let someone familiar with the dog take over your responsibility when you have to stay for an extended period away. 

Because separation can also be stressful to you, don’t result in this unless necessary. You can still take the essential precautions and spend quality time with your furry friend. Key to note, the pet’s exercise and physical activity routine should stay constant.