We compiled the 10 happiest countries in the world and their ranking according to overall happiness. It also includes a brief description of each country’s culture and what makes them so happy. Let’s discover more about these countries and how we can learn from their cultures for more happiness among citizens. No matter where you’re from, everyone deserves to be happy. Whether it’s because of your job, health, marriage, or just life in general—happiness is an important state that we all strive for.
There are many definitions of happiness, and there’s no universal “right answer” to the question. What we call happiness today might not be what we called it yesterday, and it might not be what someone else calls it tomorrow. However, we can say that an increased presence of positive emotions and a decreased presence of negative emotions are likely more indicative of happiness than less happy feelings. Many factors contribute to a country’s happiness, but one of the most significant is wealth inequality. Countries with higher levels of income equality tend to have happier citizens than those with high levels of disparity between rich and poor.
Additionally, the happiest countries in the world are based on measures that make people happy. This includes things like GDP per capita, social support, and healthy life expectancy, among others. These factors affect how content citizens of these countries feel and thus make up their ranking as the happiest places on earth.
As such, it should come as no surprise that the ten happiest countries in the world also happen to be among the wealthiest nations on earth. Here are the happiest places on Earth from the World Happiness Report 2021.
10. Austria
Austria, a country known for its beautiful scenery and delicious food, has been ranked as one of the happiest places on earth. It’s home to many things such as great wines and excellent healthcare facilities, which contribute significantly to life expectancy rates across all ages.
They also have amongst the highest GDP per capita. Austrians spend time enjoying themselves outdoors, biking through vineyards, or taking part in long-distance hiking trails — all activities that seem likely to make anyone happy quite quickly.
9. New Zealand
New Zealand’s hospitality is legendary. Travelers have been raving about it for years, and they say New Zealanders are warm, welcoming folk who will go out of their way to help you enjoy your vacation or relax after work. The country also scores highly when looking at natural beauty.
One could ask themselves how did these wonderful features come together into one cohesive whole? Well, there were many factors involved, but we believe that the happiest people are those who know how to balance their life. They don’t overwork themselves, nor do they underdo it either.
8. Luxembourg
Luxembourg is a small country with an excellent work-life balance. Luxembourg also offers many other advantages, including great healthcare systems and five weeks vacation time plus public holidays. They also have a meager crime rate and the highest GDP per capita in Europe.
Luxembourg is so lovely that it’s become a major tourist destination for people all around the world.
7. Sweden
Like many of its Nordic neighbors, Sweden remained on the list this year. Like them, too, there’s a high GDP per capita. Sweden shares an emphasis on social equality built into its education system.
Many Swedes follow the “work to live” motto, enjoying their free time and weekends with friends or family. It is also home to many attractive sights, for example, its capital Stockholm, which has become a major tourist destination.
Sweden also has a very active cultural scene, with many theater shows and festivals that focus on high culture. However, Sweden is not just about culture and education; it also has a very low crime rate.
6. Norway
Norway is one of the most well-off countries in Scandinavia. It has been ranked as having an extremely high degree of happiness, coming in at number six on this year’s list.
Norway is also famous for its strong social support networks and excellent healthcare systems. Norway’s small population may have something to do with the level of happiness its citizens’ experience.
Norway’s government invests heavily in social programs and infrastructure, which helps support many aspects of Norwegian life. It’s also a major tourist destination with its fjords, mountains, and forests.
5. Netherlands
The Dutch have been the happiest people in Europe for years, and it’s no surprise that their country has barely changed over time. Between 2005 and 2020, the Netherlands’ happiness levels only decreased by 0.03%. This may be due to its strong education system, which leads UNICEF to rank them number one globally on a list based on educational well-being.
The Netherlands is known for its very low crime rates and the happiest citizens in Europe. It’s also a major tourist destination, with beautiful cities, picturesque countryside, and the best beaches in Europe.
The Netherlands also has exceptionally high life expectancy rates, with residents living an average of 80 years.
4. Iceland
The people of Iceland are some of the happiest in all countries. They have a sense that they’re not alone when things go wrong, and this might be what makes them so content with their lives despite recent difficulties.
Iceland is a country that still has not forgotten about the financial crisis of 2008, which put pressure on many aspects, including tourism. Fortunately, thanks to the revitalization efforts by government bodies working together between themselves, this has allowed for growth even during tough times.
3. Switzerland
The country of Switzerland has the highest level of direct democracy in Europe. This system allows Swiss citizens to vote on many issues that affect them, including how many immigrants should be allowed into their borders and whether or not traffic lights need to change around town.
Switzerland also has a very high life expectancy rate, and it’s ranked third in the world on that list. It is no wonder then that Switzerland has a high GDP per capita, and citizens live the longest happiest lives.
2. Denmark
Located in Northern Europe, it is home to many progressive policies, like bike-friendly cities that promote environmentally friendly lifestyles and high social support networks for their people. The Danish have been known as some of nature’s healthiest creatures since they hold an average life expectancy at birth which sits just below 80 years old.
Denmark is also home to an impressive education system with one of the highest levels of literacy and the best healthcare systems in Europe.
1. Finland
Finland is the number one country when it comes to happiness, ranking among the top education systems in the world.
The Finnish government sets high expectations for teachers and schools by requiring them to have a master’s degree and focusing less on quantitative testing so they can provide equal opportunity learning experiences for all students. This is regardless of social status or family finances, with subsidized state-funded tuition rates available through university credits awarded upon completion.
This country continues to be the happiest place on earth, and it’s no wonder that its people continue to feel this way.
The top happiest countries in the world are ranked based on various factors, including wealth, health, education, and social support. These rankings can help us better understand what makes people happy from an international perspective. We hope that this article inspires you to find happiness in your life and continue to work towards it.